
(555) 514-3265


Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 10:00am to 7:00pm Saturday: 10:00am to 9:00pm ​Sundays: CLOSED

Dragonfly Antiques & Collectables is a family run operation, brought into being by our youngest daughter’s intense love of antiques! From a very young age, Elizabeth was drawn into Antique stores ~ any time she saw one out of the car window, she would ask to stop and go in. Sometimes she had a specific sort of treasure in mind, and others, she just wanted to look for anything that spoke to her heart, She collected Beanie Babies, and odd trinkets, vintage jewelry, and so much more! Now, all grown up, you can find her in the store, stocking and organizing shelves, and happily helping customers find their very own treasures to take home!


Monday – Friday: 10:00am to 7:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am to 9:00pm
​Sundays: CLOSED


We are always actively looking for new additions to the store. If you have items you would like to have evaluated, please feel free to stop by the store during regular business hours, and we would be happy to give you an estimated valuation, and offer, in many cases! Or, if you have a large collection you are looking to sell, please call the store to make an appointment for a site visit!